Growth Mindset

Growth mindset is a term that has recently become very prominent in the business world. But what does it mean? A person’s mindset determines how they perceive and respond to situations. Having a growth mindset means believing that your talents can be enhanced through commitment, effective strategies, and the contribution of others. In contrast, having a fixed mindset is thinking that you are born with a predetermined set of skills and that these cannot be improved.

The importance of growth mindset in the workplace

In business, fostering a growth mindset has been shown to improve motivation, innovation, and productivity. People who work at organisations that encourage collaboration and innovation feel empowered and motivated. In order to embrace this growth mindset, companies should encourage actions such as asking for help, trying new strategies, and learning from failures as they lead to learning and progress.

Even with the best efforts, projects or tasks will not always succeed. Managers should encourage risk-taking and collaboration from their employees. Promoting a growth mindset is an ongoing process that should be reinforced with concrete policies and that requires commitment from all members.

Individuals with a growth mindset are better prepared to deal with obstacles, they utilize feedback effectively, develop creative problem-solving strategies, offer constructive criticism to others, and have a lot of determination to achieve their goals and succeed.

Digital disruptions and competition are forcing businesses to continuously innovate and adapt. Employees who have a growth mindset are better equipped to deal with technological uncertainty because they possess greater mental agility. It is therefore important to cultivate a growth mindset in the workplace.

How to foster a growth mindset in your organisation

In order to encourage a growth mindset, companies must cultivate a learning environment in which the ability to ask the right question is more important than the ability to provide the correct answer. Businesses should adopt learning management system (LMS) softwares to organize and track the learning process. In addition, they should encourage thought-provoking conversations within their teams to allow for the sharing of ideas and discover ways to optimize business processes.

Other ways to promote a growth mindset are:

  • Distinguish between learning and performance goals (learning goals are long-term oriented and they help foster a growth mindset)
  • Never stop learning
  • Consider failures as stepping stones toward success
  • Accept challenges with open arms
  • Ask for feedback and make use of it
  • Continuously update your long-term goals


Now more than ever, businesses require their employees to be able to adapt and evolve constantly. As companies are faced with new challenges, adopting a growth mindset and having the ability to promote it within a business community will become increasingly important. Value effort, perseverance, and determination over talent and success, and create a safe space for dialogue to help your employees shift towards a growth mindset.